Meeting at Teacher Training Centre Dr. Rui Grácio, Lagos — PT
On May, 20th, the ISTM Erasmus project coordinator at Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Eanes, Mário Guedes, and the Social Educator, Patrícia Almeida, visited the Teacher Training Centre Dr. Rui Grácio — Lagos/PT in order to present the Erasmus project “Inclusive Schools Through Mediation”.
The meeting was hosted by Ana Cristina Madeira (Director)
During this meeting, it was presented the Erasmus program, in particular the KA220 project “Inclusive Schools Through Mediation” and the international team. At the same time, it were shared the goals regarding the implementation of a mediation program at AE Gil Eanes consortium and, in order to do it, possible ways of cooperation with this Teacher Training Centre.
Finally, since in Portugal, training programs for teachers are mainly supported by teacher training centres, it was also shared the possibility of creating a parallel training course in Portugal, supported by this training centre and officially approved by the Portuguese Scientific Council for Continuing Training, which would enable participating teachers to have their training hours recognised for progression in their teaching career.